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Do I have to take your certifications in order?
Do I have to take your certifications in order?
Todd Eby avatar
Written by Todd Eby
Updated over a week ago

Getting Started: Recommended Order for Completing Certifications

While we don't require you to complete courses in any particular order -- which means you're free to move through the lessons at your own pace. However, we strongly recommend that you complete certifications in order as our concepts build on one another, beginning with the foundations.

When you're just getting started in each CCSM Level, you can take a Learner Assessment at the start of each Level to get a baseline understanding of the material you'll be working on. This assessment will help you identify the strengths and gaps in your knowledge as you progress and will give you an idea of the skills you'll need to focus on.

So if you're looking to maximize your learning experience, we highly recommend you work through certifications in order. Doing so will not only help you learn more efficiently and effectively but will also give you a better understanding of how the underlying concepts relate to one another.

Happy Learning!

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